A High Stakes SeductionChapter 0
Drama Romance

Meet Constance, a scrupulous and by-the-book accountant. When she's assigned to investigate a casino's finances, she visits the casino with the bad reputation. If there are any illegal activities afoot, she's confident she'll uncover them. Then, she meets John Fairweather, the CEO of the casino. Flashing an irresistible smile, he compliments her and plants his lips on hers! Is this the game he'll play to undermine her work? Bewildered by John's uninhibited behavior, Constance can't entirely suppress her desire for him...though she's acutely aware that she'd lose everything if she ever got involved with him

The Prince's Pregnant BrideChapter 1

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Claiming His Royal HeirChapter 1
Comedy Romance

Stella Greco’s child, Nicky, is the result of artificial insemination. Stella has no intention of ever bringing the anonymous donor, or any father for that matter, into their lives. Unfortunately, the anonymous donor is Vasco Montoya, King of Montmajor, who is eager to seize this chance to continue his family line without being forced into a marriage. He wants his son in Montmajor, and Stella isn’t willing to give up her child. To compromise, Vasco invites Stella to work restoring ancient texts in the palace library for a month, so she can see what life would be like for her and Nicky. Neither of them ever expected to fall in love, but then, loving a royal isn’t easy.

The Maverick's Virgin MistressChapter 1

Alicia is a twenty-six-year-old virgin and eager to lose that status as soon as possible. But her brother, who raised her after their parents died, is standing in her way. She must find a man good enough for her…and who should appear in front of her but Rick Jones? He’s handsome, wealthy and kind. He’s the perfect one to give her virginity to. She is instantly smitten with him, but would she feel the same way if she knew he was lying to her?

The Desert PrinceChapter 1

Celia, an environmental designer, is requested for a job in the Sultanate of Oman. Shockingly, her client is Sheikh Salim, her ex-lover who unexpectedly left her four years ago. Celia balks, but before long, Salim’s passionate zeal for his work—the redevelopment of a lost city that has slept under the sands for centuries into a resort—wins her over and she accepts the job. Work goes smoothly, but just as she did four years ago, Celia finds herself unable to resist Salim’s charms. And there’s something she’s never told him: she has a daughter…his daughter!

Her Desert KnightChapter 1

Their families are bitter enemies, while their love shimmers in the desert like a glittering mirage. Dani grew up in America, but when her marriage failed she had to return to her family in Oman, where she lives under her father’s watchful eye. Her greatest joy now is sneaking out to the used bookstore. One day, she meets a man there who takes her breath away, a kind, charismatic entrepreneur named Quasar. They begin seeing each other in secret, but Dani is crushed when she learns that their families are enemies. Dani’s father sees everything in black-and-white, and she can’t bear to betray him. Is there a future for Dani and Quasar?